14 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tharanga Udagedara
I have analysed a water samples taken from a water-rock interaction experiments for its major anions and cations. These major ions were further analysed with Visual Minteq for saturation indices....
30 March 2016 6,426 2 View
I obtained a chemical composition of a plagioclase grain in weight percentage using SEM-EDS technique. The recalculated chemical formula of the grain is as follows using an MSExcel worksheet based...
11 March 2016 8,073 10 View
What are the reasons for having negative intensity (in cps) for elements like Al and Na in normal groundwater samples in ICP-AES analysis? The calibrations curves for both elements were...
15 November 2015 9,198 3 View
One argued with me that solute transported by the capillary rise as advection. Can it really be? My counter argument was for media like clayey soils, the velocity of the capillary rise is much...
16 September 2015 2,395 2 View
I have experienced (-) negative values for a particular element in AAS or ICE-AES analysis. 1. What does this really mean and how could it happen? Can we explain it using the calibration curve? 2....
07 September 2015 2,443 30 View
H2O is subtracted from the rest of major element oxides in weathering potential index (Richei, 1943) . What is the reason for that? Is it due to sharp increase of combined water with progressive...
16 July 2015 4,316 4 View
I have been observing a metamorphic rock that contain Almandine garnet using SEM-EDS. The presence of garnets is confirmed by the very rock's XRD patterns (both Pyrope and Almandine are...
07 July 2015 1,776 17 View
Is it possible to have Fe2O3 in Sillimanite? I observed (under SEI) a sillimanite looking grain (in a metamorphic rock sample) with characteristic cross fractures in my SEM-EDS studies. But...
24 June 2015 7,841 14 View
Could anyone please let me know whether there is any special concern when the Parker index is calculated for weathered rocks? I calcuated it using the given simple equation (2Na2O/0.35 + MgO/0.9 +...
04 December 2014 3,316 10 View
Could anyone please let me know the standard procedure of measuring LOI in a rock sample
06 November 2014 9,736 15 View
XRF Data Analysis I have received XRF data sheet of a rock sample where oxides are in weight percentages. Could I use those data as it is or should I treat those data. For example there are some...
16 September 2014 4,577 12 View
Are there methods to evaluate connectivity of pore spaces in a rock sample? Is there any expression called "Pore connectivity index" to express the pore connectivity? Is it the same as tortuosity?
20 May 2014 4,360 5 View
Batch dissolution experiment.
19 February 2014 6,798 10 View
I am planing to study water-rock interaction in order to observe the element dissolution and weathering rate as a laboratory experiment. However, it won't be a flow system. So, are there any...
13 February 2014 6,657 4 View