11 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tamer Madi
Are there any systematic guidelines for that? Is there any difference among the three terms?
22 July 2015 2,253 8 View
If the results more than 2000, how can we limit them, particularly when we conduct systematic reviews as the exclusion of articles will take long time till we reach to the most relevant studies.
13 May 2015 6,611 9 View
Is there any reference?
01 January 2015 6,239 6 View
I saw some researchers who used this formula: (n-1) / n where n is the maximum number in the used scale. For example in five-point Likert scale, n is equal 5. So, the interval size can...
25 October 2014 1,754 11 View
What criteria or factors should the new software process has to convince software practitioners to use it?
10 October 2014 1,989 12 View
For instance: correctness, understandably, completeness, effectiveness, etc. Is their any key reference of such criteria?
21 June 2014 585 2 View
Assume that we want to compare between the related works of our research area of interest, can we use SWOT analysis in this case? If so, how we can use it? If not, which methods can we use to...
13 April 2014 8,357 3 View
For example, we need to know the attributes/characteristics/factors to measure the quality of the agile development approach during the development process.
27 March 2014 7,235 3 View
What factors should we consider in the validation? What steps should we follow? Is there any established theory, model or guidelines for doing that?
21 March 2014 4,338 4 View
Population: all the users of websites sample: ?
15 January 2014 9,755 24 View
For example we have two surveys for two groups: developers and users in order to examine their perspectives on one thing: quality of websites.
04 January 2014 755 2 View