4 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tahir Sousa
I am looking for state-of-the-art methods to extract emotion from (German) audio features. Please direct me to some good papers, authors, conferences, journals, etc. for the same. I am using Praat...
23 April 2014 5,915 6 View
I'm looking for a list of German intensifers. Intensifiers are words which tell you to what extent things are true. For example, a noise could be "very" loud or "quite" loud. I want to use them in...
23 April 2014 4,827 3 View
I'm looking for a good tool to extract audio features like Mel-frequency, energy, etc. from a sound file. As my final aim is to extract the emotion of the speaker in the audio, it would be most...
11 April 2014 8,663 20 View
What are the best ways to identify clauses in a sentence? I would like to not only extract clauses from a sentence but also identify the type of clause it is. i.e. dependent or independent...
07 April 2014 9,991 6 View