6 Questions 2 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Swaroop kumar Palai
We want to grow multilayer (at least 3 layers) hBN using the LPCVD using Borazane as the precursor. Since we are using a quartz tube for furnace, we need to maintain the temperature of the furnace...
26 February 2020 7,761 1 View
I am concerned about the energies of EM radiations. Like the visible has an energy in the range of 1eV, UV has an energy of 10 eV. So when we shine the EM on a semiconductor, how does it affect...
31 January 2020 2,506 3 View
From the basic understanding of the Jablonski diagram any exciting light should excite the molecule to a higher energy state, and subsequently the molecule would de-excite to the lowest excited...
09 August 2018 2,745 3 View
My friend told me that manipulating the time and the RPM of the centrifuge machine we can actually change the size of the quantum dots but could not explain why. I need help in this regard.
01 April 2018 2,112 3 View
I know how to solve 2 coupled DE analytically, but when there are 3 or higher number of coupled DE it becomes cumbersome to solve it analytically. So I am trying to solve it numerically. Any help...
30 March 2018 8,471 14 View
My idea about the basis vector is that it is defined within a basis of the crystal to represent how the atoms are oriented inside the basis molecule. And the lattice vectors are defined on the...
20 June 2017 8,820 4 View