8 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Swadesh Poddar
Can anyone suggest how to design a transistor model in ansys circuit. snp file with respect to different bias is available but from the datasheet I want to design transistor and observe it's...
06 March 2020 2,745 3 View
I want to use Ansys co simulation feature. I have assigned port 1 and port 2 as lumped port with respect to ground. But I need to create a lumped port inside the ring gap. How can I do that.
07 February 2020 4,304 2 View
Antenna design in one software varies with result in another software. Also which one is better for mesh analysis.
14 October 2016 9,315 12 View
Hello, Can anybody please suggest where I can find the pdf of this book? TIA. Theory of Electromagnetic Waves: A Coordinate-free Approach Author: Hollis C. Chen MATLAB-Based...
01 January 1970 2,882 8 View
Hello, Can someone please help me to map the S matrix with HFSS floquet ports. What does that represent, 1. Which one is co polarization 2. which one is cross polarization 3. Which one is Rxx,...
01 January 1970 4,004 4 View
Hello, Can anyone please suggest how can I get reflection and transmission coefficient for right hand circularly polarized and left hand circularly polarized wave. I am using Ansys HFSS and...
01 January 1970 1,578 5 View
How to get Rxx, Rxy, Ryx and Ryy from floquet port simulation? My structure is assymmetric. If the HFSS solved model is dragged to Circuit module, how to get overall Rxx, Rxy, Ryx and Ryy from there?
01 January 1970 4,756 6 View
I was trying to understand how can I design equivalent circuit model of any arbitrary metamaterial unit cell. Any reference document and guidance would be very helpful.
01 January 1970 5,980 2 View