4 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suraj Jat
On the basis of the illumination on the camera detector, how can I calculate the angle of emitted beams? We are given the value of numerical aperture of the lens as well as working distance.
15 October 2021 3,510 3 View
Hello everyone! I am interested in the topic of solar energy production forecasting for a ground-mounted PV system of more than 100MW capacity. Can anyone please suggest what are the main data...
09 February 2021 7,013 5 View
I was curious to know why we only use sand for covering the AC cables inside the trenches and instead of having good isolation why these cables are covered. Why is there a problem in the trenches...
14 January 2021 6,186 3 View
As the pandemic has affected each and every sector of the market, so my question is how big it has affected the renewable energy sector. If it has affected then can we have the specific results...
26 May 2020 6,781 7 View