29 Questions 95 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suhas Dinesh
What is the reason for mismatch/frequency shift between measured and simulated results at high frequencies apart from insertion losses of the connectors, fabrication tolerances, reflections...
07 July 2019 1,143 1 View
Both of their units are A/m, yet both seem to be different! What is the difference?
06 June 2019 2,777 7 View
Hi, How many mL of FeCl3.H2O solution is required to just dissolve 1 g of copper in 1 hour? Please provide the chemical and mathematical equations too! With Regards, Suhas D.
10 October 2018 1,165 7 View
The practical magnitude of axial ratio for circular polarization can go upto 6 dB (0 dB
07 July 2018 2,575 11 View
The finite conductivity of the conductor is one source. Other is, if the junctions are mismatched. What could be the other sources? Hmmm...?
04 April 2018 8,043 3 View
What are the antenna parameters required for 4G LTE advanced technology? Please explain in detail! 1. No. of Antennas (I believe it is 8*8 or 8*4). But why? 2. Radiation Pattern? 3. Beamwidth? 4....
12 December 2017 1,600 3 View
How much antenna bandwidth do I need to transmit 100 Mbps (4G) or let's say 1 Gbps (4G LTE) of data? What is the relationship between Hertz (cycles/second) and bits per second? Or, how many...
12 December 2017 1,921 6 View
What is the physical significance of Half Power Beam Width and First Null Beam Width of an antenna?
11 November 2017 5,517 5 View
I understand that vectors are a subset of Tensors. Can someone please define tensors in a simple manner? I read about tensors from quora and saw some videos too, but still couldn't grasp its inner...
05 May 2017 442 4 View
Was Hertz’s findings and contributions not significantly influenced by theFitzGerald, Lodge, and Heaviside (The Maxwellian's)?
04 April 2017 514 8 View
Is it Stress alone, the food we eat?
03 March 2017 9,049 2 View
Can someone please inform me the required minimum amount of DC voltage and current to startle a human being? The surface of contact would be dry skin.
12 December 2016 1,959 5 View
Hi, Apart from rectangular or circular antenna design, how do we design an antenna from any odd shape? How to derive its mathematical formulas? Regards, Suhas.D. Happy New Year 2017 Wishes to ALL!
12 December 2016 7,894 3 View
Which part of the brain controls the ANS? How can we control it? Are there any healthy ways?
12 December 2016 5,720 3 View
If a transmission line is modeled as RLGC, how does time varying currents at high frequencies propagate from source to load when: The capacitors offer low impedance path to the ground? The...
08 August 2016 4,687 10 View
A vector field that has a curl cannot diverge and a vector field having divergence cannot curl. But the curl (rotation about a point) of maximum space rate of increase in a scalar field equals...
05 May 2016 7,711 19 View
As light is an EM wave and light consists of photons, is there a particular frequency at which photons magically appear?
04 April 2016 6,476 11 View
I don't understand why channel tapering at saturation in an enhancement type MOSFET gives a constant current? As the channel closes, why doesn't the current drop even though it is at its...
03 March 2016 552 4 View
What is the phase relationship between E and H fields in an EM wave in vacuum? Is it in phase or out of phase by 90 degrees? I see both ways in google!
03 March 2016 9,596 20 View
What are the range of values for Electric Susceptibility? In case of air, I know it is zero(0). My doubt is w.r.t. polarizability of air. If air has poor polarizability, then how does...
03 March 2016 4,782 15 View
1. Why is displacement current called displacement current, when it is just a rate of change in electric flux w.r.t. time which produces a current and in turn a circulating magnetic field...
03 March 2016 4,899 1 View
Is dielectric breakdown of air/ collision of positive and negative charges/ electrons being ripped of nuclei (ionization to plasma) and falling into different orbitals the only reasons for...
03 March 2016 5,410 6 View
tanδ = σ/ωε and Power dissipated by a dielectric media is given by Pdissipated = fE2 εtanδ. The tangent loss decreases with an increase in frequency and the power dissipated increases with...
03 March 2016 8,762 6 View
Why are Microwaves reflected by metals and passed through by glass? Can mirrors reflect EM waves? Is Skin depth the reason?
02 February 2016 9,366 10 View
What is the physical meaning of dipole moment (not the distance between the equal and opposite charges multiplied by the magnitude of charge)? Is it considered for metals?
02 February 2016 6,731 9 View
Why are Electric and Magnetic Fields perpendicular to each other in an Electromagnetic Wave?
02 February 2016 8,242 12 View
Excerpt from wikipedia: "EM waves carry energy, momentum and angular momentum away from their source particle and can impart those quantities to matter with which they interact." Since EM waves...
02 February 2016 3,992 14 View
Why is it that TE10 is the only mode considered while observing output in case of waveguides or microstrip structures? Why not TE20 or TM21 et al.? Is it because the higher order modes have higher...
02 February 2016 1,576 12 View
What are the specific frequencies (wavelengths) of Light Waves used in Optical Communication?
01 January 2016 4,454 1 View