7 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suchi Chaturvedi
Dear all Post docking I am not able to see any hydrogen bond interaction in my complex in ligplot. While when I visualised the same complex in DSV studio able to see two three conventional...
08 October 2023 5,135 2 View
Hello everyone I am facing a issue with complex visualisation in ligplot and pymol.. When I tried to open the docked PL complex in the aforementioned tools only ligands are visible and no...
04 September 2023 1,601 4 View
Hello everyone I have a question that how to resuspend the 20ug of lyophillized esirna or how to make stock. A detailed protocol such as how to make the stocks what should be stock concentration...
23 May 2022 9,651 0 View
Dear all I am trying to transfect my plasmid of interest in the mcf-7 cells by lipo3000 or calcium phosphate. but after botting observing multiple bands tried every possible condition, including...
27 July 2021 4,701 7 View
Hello everyone I am trying to transfer a protein of 175 kDa on the Immobilon®-E PVDF membrane using transfer buffer (25 mM Tris, 192mM glycine, 0.1% SDS, and 20% methanol) at 100 volts for 120 min...
16 January 2021 6,943 3 View
Hello all I tried to transect MCF-7 by lipo 3000 using 250 ng, 500ng or 2000ng plasmid DNA for 48 hrs in serum-free media. But unfortunately not able to successfully transfect my plasmid....
01 January 1970 6,617 3 View
Hello everyone I have a query regarding md simulations As I received CSV file for md data from my collaborators.. but the problem is in that file they did not mention the residue no for the rmsf...
01 January 1970 3,186 1 View