13 Questions 53 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Steven Ray Wilson
Does anybody have some good papers on peptide peak area between-sample repeatability after treatment with trypsin (i.e. bottom-up proteomics)? Needs to be for complex samples, and not just...
07 July 2017 8,643 2 View
In Norway, there is a debate regarding the use of asthma medicine in sports. The debate was fueled by the doping violation of the cross-country skier Martin Sundby. It has also been stoked by the...
09 September 2016 9,629 3 View
Hi all you analysts and detectives out there! Have you seen the documentary Making A Murderer (Netflix)? There is a piece of evidence in a murder trial, where there is a suspicion that a blood...
01 January 2016 4,761 3 View
Hi everybody! I could really use a list of endogenous human metabolites with traits (most interested in hydrophobicity, charge and Mw). Does anybody know if this exits? I want to use it to attempt...
09 September 2015 3,713 5 View
Hi everyone! We have found that a mass spectrometry based technology we are working on can do really fast measurements of targeted proteins. We would like to demonstrate the technology with...
01 January 2015 2,852 10 View
Hi Everyone! How much of a between-sample variance in retention time would you accept in a targeted proteomics assay (when analysing similar samples)?
12 December 2014 6,722 7 View
Nano LC (0.05-0.1 mm ID columns) is the "weapon of choice" in mass spectrometry based proteomics research. It can be an absolute necessity when analyzing very small amounts of sample. Although...
10 October 2014 5,375 24 View
Identification of an unknown substance (e.g. a plant metabolite or an MS peak that your PCA analysis implies has predicitive value) can be tricky stuff. What steps would you say are...
10 October 2014 1,962 24 View
Dear friends, Over several decades, there have been thousands and thousands of papers describing the use and development of chromatography and mass spectrometry. But if a "greatest hits" of...
10 October 2014 5,634 9 View
LC is/has been traditionally associated with mm-scale inner diameter columns, packed with 3-5 um particles. But today, we have access to e.g. UHPLC columns, monolithic columns, in all shapes and...
10 October 2014 9,292 15 View
In metabolomics, LC-MS systems are typically "conventional sized" (e.g. 1-2.1 mm i.d. columns) while proteomics persons nearly always use nanobore systems (0.05-0.1 mm i.d. columns). Considering...
09 September 2014 4,722 16 View
There are several excellent open access journals available for all to read. However, there are few chromatography papers to be found in e.g. PLOS ONE or Scientific Reports. I find this to be a...
08 August 2014 6,142 8 View
Commercial nano LC columns (a common choice in proteomics) may feature e.g. "regular" 3 um C18 attached particles, UHPLC particles, fused core particles, silica monoliths, organic monoliths. Some...
07 July 2014 8,217 35 View