12 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Srinivasarao Tanniru
I am currently doing literature review on snow depth retrieval methods using passive remote sensing. While the algorithm in Chang (1987) says it uses brightness temperature difference at 18 and 37...
01 January 2020 7,531 1 View
I am analyzing CO2 data over various landcover classes. CO2 data I have obtained from Envisat - SCIAMACAHY (resolution is 0.5x0.5 degree). And the landcover resolution is 0.25x0.25 degree. If we...
01 January 2014 9,021 1 View
There are a few satellites in the atmospheric research which give measurements particular to one layer such as troposphere, stratosphere etc. How do they distinguish between different layers? The...
10 October 2013 579 3 View
SCIAMACHY which is onboard the Envisat has 3 different modes of measurements. (link : http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de/sciamachy/instrument/modes/index.html) . In Nadir it is easy to understand that...
10 October 2013 947 5 View
Recently I have gone through several articles which are saying that GHG's are actually having a cooling effect on earth...
09 September 2013 6,785 25 View
I have retrieved CO2 concentrations from EnviSat sciamachy's data sets. But for particular months (June, July, August and September) the data quality is poor. In the sense there were very few...
09 September 2013 2,405 7 View
Will there be any reference coordinate system which satellite uses for taking measurements or collecting data on earth? Like SCIAMACHY collects various trace gases on earth but how can we talk...
08 August 2013 7,994 2 View
OMI level2 products contain geophysical information at ground pixel resolution and derived from level 1B product. Level 2G (L2G) datasets contain one day's worth of the Level 2 data (typically 14...
07 July 2013 5,557 1 View
What are the satellites available for measuring co2 at reasonable quality in terms of resolution and accuracy at tropospheric level.
07 July 2013 8,373 5 View
I have downloaded GOME 2 level 1b data product. I need to retrieve geophysical information from it. But that data will be present in level 2 products only. Help me how to convert it into level 2...
06 June 2013 6,698 0 View
Now there are so many satellites which are helpful in monitoring the stratospheric environment and gases. Out of all those, which is best in terms of resolution and providing the details about the...
05 May 2013 3,764 6 View
While reading an article I found a sentence that says "The FORLI code minimizes the difference between the observation and simulation by iteratively updating the state vector (set of unknown...
05 May 2013 831 0 View