27 Questions 68 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sourangshu Ghosh
The Lanthanide contraction which is the decrease in ionic radii of the elements in the lanthanide series from atomic number 57, lanthanum, to 71, lutetium, is due to poor shielding of the 4f...
02 March 2021 2,768 4 View
The Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state. Why does the Hartree-Fock...
02 March 2021 9,541 3 View
Can anyone help me prove using Contour Integration that the value of integral log(1+z)/z from limit -1 to +1 is pi^2/4?
20 January 2021 6,690 7 View
Does posting articles to Research gate gives any edge or credit to a student in Phd application?
08 December 2020 4,192 3 View
Does Hilbert-Polya Conjecture Infer Riemann Hypothesis by the means of spectral theory? Can anyone describe the procedure
08 December 2020 5,061 3 View
How to create an explicit model predictive control using offline computations to determine all operating regions in which the optimal control moves are determined by evaluating a linear function?
14 November 2020 9,007 1 View
How to generate and execute optimized CUDA kernels for specific algorithm structures and patterns in MATLAB code?
13 November 2020 1,580 2 View
How to do Lane Detection on the GPU by Using the Hough Lines Function?
13 November 2020 5,385 1 View
What are the advantages of Particle Swarm Algorithm over Genetic Algorithm?
10 November 2020 7,291 4 View
Can I get better results by using the final population from a previous run as the initial population for a new run in the genetic algorithm?
10 November 2020 871 5 View
I am attempting to solve the limit which involves the Reimann Function zeta Lim [(zeta(1-z)zeta(1-zc))/(zeta(z)zeta(zc))]=1 as z tends to get closer to a root of the Reimann Function Zeta...
10 November 2020 5,556 8 View
What are the advantages of Finite volume method (FVM) over Finite difference Method (FDM) for particularly flow simulation (CFD) ?
03 November 2020 8,412 11 View
Can the bending of a light ray passing by the sun correctly be explained by gravitoelectromagnetism?
03 November 2020 10,228 6 View
I am using SPSS and my model is: 3 raters, two-way mixed effects, absolute agreement. Data are far from normality, I do not know a non parametric procedure and I do prefer not to categorize the...
30 October 2020 8,671 3 View
Has anyone implemented the new Morris Method by Campolongo and Braddock in 1999 (Reliability Engineering and Systems vol 64, pg 1-12)? This is a different approach to the conventional Morris...
21 October 2020 2,917 2 View
What are the current areas of research in Statistical Machine Learning?
19 October 2020 7,861 3 View
What are the current areas of research in Graph theory?
15 October 2020 331 4 View
May I ask what is the current state-of-the-art for incorporating FEM with Machine Learning algorithm? My main questions, to be specific, are: Is it a sensible thing to do? Is there an actual need...
05 October 2020 4,613 1 View
It seems that using machine/deep learning to solve PDEs is very popular (actually, not only in scientific computing, but also in all fields). So I want to know the reasons behind this. And is the...
05 October 2020 826 4 View
I'm trying to develop a code to solve the stream function-vorticity equations using the Finite Element Method in order to simulate a 2D incompressible flow problem. I was wondering what the pros...
05 October 2020 2,520 3 View
UPD (29/08/2018): Is the RANS/LES way of turbulence modeling a converging process, i.e. will it hypothetically converge to a hypothetical big but single PDE system? Or will it inevitably...
05 October 2020 4,420 9 View
What is the importance of Golden Ratio in nature and mathematics? Why the golden ratio is sometimes called the "divine proportion," by mathematicians?
01 January 1970 9,394 12 View
I accidentally uploaded a wrong preprint of a different author(it was a journal article) into a preprint server. I have withdrawn the article and the article is now not accessible with the reason...
01 January 1970 727 4 View
Data overfitting is a common problem in FIS parameter optimization. When overfitting occurs, the tuned FIS produces optimized results for the training data set but performs poorly for a test data...
01 January 1970 4,121 3 View
Hi There is many types of high order methods such as DG, Nodal DG, Spectral element, Spectral difference, Huynh Flux Reconstruction and so on. Which method do you prefer and why? Each of them have...
01 January 1970 10,130 3 View
I have withdrawn a pre-print recently which had some accidental coincidence and hence plagiarism in it from a pre-print server. The Pre-Print is now deleted/removed and not accessible. Will I be...
01 January 1970 9,814 8 View
Hamilton defined the Ricci flow in 1982 to prove the famous three-dimensional sphere theorem. How singularities of solutions of the Ricci flow could identify the topological data predicted by...
01 January 1970 1,305 4 View