7 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Soheila Ghambari
Dear all researchers, Is there any difference between large scale optimization problems and complex optimization problems? I will be very appreciated if you explain the differences very...
25 April 2017 7,434 14 View
Dear all researchers, It is well-known that k-means computes centroid of clusters differently for the different supported distance measures. These distance measures are: sqEuclidean, cityblock,...
03 October 2016 4,075 9 View
What is the relationship between standard deviation and robustness of compared algorithms in evolutionary algorithms? Can any one reference me some papers about this relationship? I will be very...
21 September 2016 4,009 11 View
Hello... What's the difference between Maximum Iteration and Maximum function evaluation for comparing performance of algorithms? Which one is better or more reasonably? Thanks...
21 October 2015 3,348 11 View
Hello... I recently became familiar with these algorithms. I've read a brief study on these algorithm. I want to know more details about them.Is GSO algorithm (Glowworm swarm optimization) differ...
05 October 2015 3,822 6 View
Hello Does it need to normalize input and output Data in training NNs? I use mapminmax function for this.Is it true?! Thanks...
13 May 2015 9,822 11 View
The main objective in a molecular docking problem is to findan optimized conformation between the ligand (a rigid/flexiblesmall molecule), and the receptor, (a rigid/flexible macromolecule)that...
23 March 2015 6,167 2 View