13 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sobia Ejaz
Here I am trying to optimizing the growth of breast cancer cell which is ++- requiring additional growth factors (20% FBS, insulin and EGF) for its growth. After adding the required growth factors...
21 August 2019 4,671 2 View
Here I am attaching my spectral files of MALDI-TOF done to dtermine mass of my proteins but it also gave abundant peak. Kindly tell me what are these?
24 December 2018 1,904 6 View
Can anyone provide me the proper program for LC/ESI/MS for tryptic digest in solution. I have literature surveyed and found different suggestions. In some cases, 100 % acetonitrile 0-40 % for...
31 May 2018 8,895 2 View
Someone please help me in plotting standard curve for Tyrosine. I made different concentration of tyrosine including 0.05-0.3 mg/ml by dissolving in HCl. Then using 200 microlitre of different...
29 December 2017 2,500 3 View
Please anyone tell me how to calculate the relative activity of amylase, protease and lipase from absorbance? Thank you
12 December 2017 7,784 14 View
What should be the peptide tolerance in a MASCOT when analyzing tryptic digest of 14 KDa protein by MS results?
07 July 2017 7,360 7 View
I need a starch zymography protocol suitable for plant seeds belonging to brassica or crucifera family. Thank you.
15 October 2016 8,188 4 View
Hello, We are using DNAses 1of Merck, for the removal of DNA contamination from our purified RNA sample. The DNAses 1 amount to be used according to the Merck protocol is 1 unit but this also...
10 November 2015 7,714 4 View
I have to perform azocasein zymography for plant protein but I need a perfect protocol to do it. Can anyone provide me its protocol? Thank you.
03 June 2015 1,988 2 View
For hemagglutination activity, I took red blood cells and then washed thrice with normal saline (0.9%). I then prepared 2% suspension of red blood cells in this saline and stored it at 4 degrees...
10 May 2015 9,993 14 View
I ran sephadex column for the plant protein and took absorbance at 280 nm. When I repeated the experiment it doubled the absorbance value for the same sample. Why is it so?
15 April 2015 6,125 3 View
I accidently added double volume of bisacrylamide i.e: 1.6 instead of 0.8 during the preparation of solution. Will it effect the sds page or protein bands? Please suggest me. Thank You..........
29 March 2015 1,571 12 View
I ran a zymogram of protein samples but couldn't get the result. The gel was half stained and half destained showing no zone of hydrolysis. Why is it so? The protein zymogram was run but the gel...
26 November 2014 9,034 18 View