9 Questions 44 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Snehaa Chandrakumar
Dear fellow Researchers, I am currently trying to analyze Affymetrix microarray data through dChip software and I have the input files - probe sequence and CDF for Rat 230 2, yet facing issues in...
09 March 2020 7,800 3 View
Dear Researchers, I'm trying to construct a vector (using pcDNA3.1) with two different reporter genes with two different promoter sequences of target genes. I have two different constructs with...
31 January 2018 8,520 4 View
Dear Researchers, I have purchased my designed oligos from Sigma for miR based silencing studies as sense (~64nts) and antisense (~64nts); together if annealed it is ~64bp. I take equimolar...
09 January 2018 8,066 4 View
Dear Researchers, I could see the pellet yellowish during the centrifugation steps in preparing E.Coli DH5 alpha cells for transformation. I would like to know the reasons for the color change...
15 June 2017 5,910 0 View
Dear Researchers, I have been trying to clone my siRNA which has miR155 backbone into modified pcDNA3.1. I start with annealing of oligos then restriction of vector (1ug/ ul vector conc; 20ul...
25 October 2016 9,355 2 View
MCF-7 cells were already handled perfectly and were good. Currently, we are meeting fungal contamination within the next passage. There are no much possibilities of handling errors as we do have...
11 September 2015 4,296 11 View
3T3-L1 cells grow healthily when the humidity of the incubator is maintained by using a tray of water but it grows unhealthily and slow when the copper sulphate solution is used to maintain...
07 February 2015 5,714 3 View
3T3-L1 cells are insulin sensitive but when they are counted and seeded for insulin stimulated glucose uptake assay, it results with 123% of glucose being up-taken by the positive control cells...
07 January 2015 7,364 6 View
While running on 2% AGE (with product size ~320 bp), the negative control (Plasmid without insert) and the PCR control (without template) show bands with less intensity where there are no bands in...
01 January 1970 5,083 3 View