29 Questions 207 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shima Shafiee
Hello, dear researchers I hope you are doing well I have a high-dimensional tensor: 700*700*700 How can I train the proposed model with these dimensions? The predictive model is also a...
10 March 2024 6,535 0 View
Hello, dear researchers I hope you are well Is there a tool that gives 3D coordinates for each amino acid? The protein sequence is in FASTA format An example sequence...
01 February 2024 1,266 7 View
Hello, dear researchers I hope you are well Please introduce a reference that shows the role of the GAN network as a sample producer or sample generator It means that the GAN network balances a...
30 January 2024 9,877 0 View
HELLO DEAR reseacher what is different between Precision , reconition rate, and accuracy ? Plese introduce your explaination based on proper references ? Thanks in advance
19 January 2024 2,110 3 View
DEAR Reaseher I have question in machine learning How to get pixel coordinates using distance coordinates in MATLAB or python?This means that we have distance coordinates such as...
16 October 2023 8,877 7 View
Hello dear researchers There is a data set with a blessing rate of 1 to 17 means that the number of negative classes is 17 times the number of positive classes To address this problem, sampling...
19 September 2023 5,003 3 View
Hello, dear researchers The deep learning network, called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), has various roles in optimization problems. Can GAN be used as a feature construct? Can you please...
18 May 2023 2,833 4 View
Hello dear researchers In bioinformatics, have ligand( e.g.protein) sequences converted to images as learning-based models in the literature review. May I ask you to introduce these related...
28 January 2023 3,661 3 View
Hello dear researchers My data is in protein sequence in the form of fastA like >MCHU...
07 January 2023 1,874 2 View
Hello, dear researchers How to feed the three-dimensional structure of the protein (PDB file) to the arbitrary deep neural network in such a way that all the binding sites with different angles...
25 November 2022 2,945 4 View
Hello, dear researchers What is a machine learning algorithm that replaces genetic programming? Please also introduce the relevant article, thank you so much
17 November 2022 7,837 5 View
Hello, dear researchers 1.When the input of the neural network is a sequence, which type of deep learning-based method do you suggest? Why ? Do you explain the relevant reference? 2.When the input...
12 November 2022 386 9 View
Hello, dear researchers In a predictive problem that has 30,000 samples. How can the number of samples be reduced? The basic sample( before the extracted features) is the target. On the other...
11 November 2022 3,705 0 View
Hello researchers Two groups of results have been obtained through genetic programming, which are: GP-based approach 1: Cross over=0.599, mutation rate=0.5, size of tournament=6, max tree...
18 October 2022 4,620 0 View
Hello, dear researchers How can I improve the (Matthews correlation coefficient)MCC parameter? That is, the results are related to a deep network. The target is defined as a binary prediction (0...
15 August 2022 9,160 3 View
Hello, dear researchers Which static evaluation criteria do you recommend for a binary prediction problem (0 and 1)? Why? (Please explain). Do you introduce a specific source? Thank you very much...
08 July 2022 4,719 0 View
Hello dear researchers Please explain the Markov algorithm as a classifier? Would you please provide a valid reference or link for it? Thank you for your support
29 March 2022 3,864 4 View
Hello dear researchers I need an optimized ensemble-based predictor for a binary problem. Do you suggest a combination of one machine and one deep learning algorithm or a combination of two deep...
20 March 2022 3,078 11 View
Hello dear researchers Can you introduce a feature-construction algorithm that has advantages such as genetic programming? In other words, what is the best alternative to genetic programming? I...
19 January 2022 996 7 View
Dear researchers When the data set for a particular prediction is unbalanced( negative class is more than positive class OR negative class is less than positive class), Which evaluation parameter...
03 January 2022 7,081 11 View
Hello dear researchers Which version of genetic programming is compatible with Scikit Learn? Is the following link useful? https://pypi.org/project/sklearn-genetic/ I want to use genetic...
30 December 2021 1,586 2 View
Hello dear researchers Which will commonly machine learning algorithms are employed when you plan to set an ensemble-based method? why? OR Which parameters for selecting of base learner are...
30 December 2021 3,725 3 View
Hello dear researchers Do evaluation criteria such as accuracy or f-measure have an effect on improving unbalanced classification? How? I am waiting for your answer eagerly
25 December 2021 5,844 11 View
Hello dear researchers Which genetic programming package do you recommend in Python? My research field is bioinformatics I recently worked with the Gaptip package in MATLAB, which has limitations...
21 October 2021 1,514 7 View
Dear researchers I have a binary prediction problem that it should have two types of outputs such as 0 and 1 In fact, the problem of protein interaction can be viewed as a binary classification...
20 July 2021 1,881 8 View
Hello dear researchers I am a researcher in the field of bioinformatics and I employ deep and machine learning in bioinformatics Please recommend a journal for the application of machine...
27 May 2021 2,920 4 View
Hi Dear researchers In ensemble-based architectural design Which algorithms are more useful for classification? What is the difference between parallel and ensemble architecture? Thanks I am...
09 February 2021 2,934 5 View
Dear researcher, I hope all is okay with you. Is the time complexity of the training phase in machine learning algorithms compared to deep learning taking less time to run? Is the time complexity...
01 January 1970 3,826 9 View
Hello researchers I hope everything is ok. Balanced data set is more time-consuming than unbalanced data set in the training and testing phases In this regard, some obtained parameters such as...
01 January 1970 1,956 2 View