11 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Seyed Morteza Razavi
Many people believe that some stretching sports with vertical jump such as basketball and volleyball can increase the body height. On the other hand, others do not agree with this argument. The...
03 February 2021 614 6 View
I have several pathways and want to know the biological process and metabolism related to each pathway. Is there any database to search them? For example I want to know the DRUG METABOLISM...
17 July 2019 9,090 4 View
In some tissues like the skin, there are numerous stem cells and progenitor cells unlike cardiac tissue with rare stem cells. Also in the repair situation the count of progenitor cells (and maybe...
20 June 2019 912 5 View
If we have a plate of stem cells consist of one million cells in the start of in vitro differentiation process, after the induction of differentiation factors, and after the end of...
17 June 2019 1,753 10 View
If we differentiate several stem cells (such as ES and iPSC) toward one specific tissue (such as muscle), how can we compare the product of these inductions (differentiated cells) with normal...
30 May 2019 4,533 4 View
I need the reference genome sequence of Panicum Virgatum and it's .gff file annotation for my RNA-Seq analysis. Are they published? If yes, then, how can I process my RNA-Seq sequences without the...
18 September 2018 360 9 View
Does anyone have an idea for bioinformatics research on stem cells and differentiation subject, based on gene expression profiling data or OMICS data? I and some other researchers need a good and...
28 April 2018 678 2 View
I have applied my SAM file from somatic exome data on HaplotypeCaller software and it has generate a VCF file contain multiple SNPs and Indels. Is this software just for haploid cells?
08 November 2017 7,617 1 View
Ova is produced in embryonic period and it passes the first meiotic division on that time. But sperms are produced at every time.
12 June 2017 5,136 3 View
For example which genes are the cause of Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia and Teratospermia?
06 December 2015 9,038 3 View
I have a problem with cMap. When I input my over and down expressed genes, the software can not recognize my genes. This is the web address: https://www.broadinstitute.org/cmap/
29 October 2014 8,507 2 View