9 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sayantan Mondal
I have been studying the dynamics of Stockmayer fluid under various environment. I used LAMMPS for a project. However, I am wandering if there is a way to perform the simulations in Gromacs. Some...
07 July 2019 9,086 0 View
I am trying to create a spherical cavity with soft-sphere potential in LAMMPS. However it seems that this cannot be done. There are other options like lj9-3, lj12-6, harmonic etc. The lj9-3 form...
06 June 2018 2,042 0 View
Hello everyone, I am simulating a protein-water system in NVT ensemble using GROMACS. Prior to that I have energy minimised the system using steepest descent and conjugate gradient methods. After...
01 January 2017 737 5 View
g_energy (or gmx energy) allows us to calculate a lot of system properties. On that list one could find conserved energy and total energy along with other options (like pressure, temperature,...
01 January 2017 924 0 View
What are the differences between EMD and NEMD? How one decides that which one should be used for a run? I went through some materials available on web but didn't develop a clear concept about...
10 October 2016 2,821 5 View
Is there any way to get dynamic structure factor from GROMACS ? The static structure factor S(k) can be calculated by taking a Fourier Transform of radial distribution function g(r), but I...
08 August 2016 4,118 5 View
I want to tag a protein molecule with a dummy hard sphere containing some charge or a point dipole instead of that sphere. I don't know if it can be done in GROMACS / NAMD packages. Is there any...
08 August 2016 7,819 1 View
I am trying to read trajectories to calculate some properties from a .gro file generated after "trjconv" on a .xtc file in GROMACS. This will be required in a FORTRAN90 code. But the .gro file...
07 July 2016 1,573 12 View
I need the trajectory of individual dipole moment of ~104 water molecules to calculate single particle dipole-dipole auto correlation function. "g_dipoles" can give dipoles of the total system or...
07 July 2016 8,661 6 View