13 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saurav Das
I have a table of 4 variables and want to short the data based on their values. I want to omit the parameters which are below 100. I used package dplyr but could not figure out much.
12 December 2017 2,850 2 View
Fabricated results are news of everyday.. Does publication in high impact is so important and does number of publications is your identity?
11 November 2017 3,009 9 View
I am looking for a postdoc position in microbiology, it will be very helpful if anyone can inform me the same and help me out.
08 August 2017 4,748 1 View
what is the importance to check metal complexation with salts during bacterial isolation?
07 July 2017 3,825 1 View
I set few experiments with silver nanoparticle and silver nitrate and both the substance has antimicrobial property more or less similar. So my question, why not use silver nitrate directly in...
03 March 2017 5,163 3 View
We want to do metagenomic study for some environmental water sample using traditional extraction protocol (Without using any KIT). Can anyone help me with the extraction ?
11 November 2016 4,807 4 View
We are trying to isolate alpha amylase inhibitor from some bacteria but we are confused whether the inhibitor secreted by the bacteria in the media is carbohydrate or protein.
07 July 2016 4,716 2 View
During my few preliminary studies I have observed that sulfur containing chemicals induces an unknown pheromone like sensitive responses.... Does sulfur has any role in activating any chemostatic...
04 April 2016 5,021 3 View
It would be very helpful.... if someone can help me out with rpkm and fpkm value ??
06 June 2015 9,748 0 View
I have a shotgun metagenomic library constructed from a water sample. Is there any software or online analysis platform through which I can study the respective metabolic networks...
03 March 2015 8,016 6 View
I would like to isolate arbuscular mycorrhiza from tea rhizosphere. If anyone could help me with a detailed protocol?
03 March 2015 5,289 7 View
If I say I have a population size of 30 and 6 allele of a locus. Then how would I calculate the same for this?
03 March 2015 5,836 0 View
More I am reading, more I am getting confused to define Soil Health ? So, What is Soil Health? And How you can categorize or classify lands based on soil health? Can you define soil health in...
01 January 1970 8,852 5 View