5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sapna Bondwal
What is Connolly surface method all about? I have found that It is mostly used to determine the surface volume of molecules. How can this method be used to determine the size and volume of a...
30 May 2017 420 2 View
PBE functional which belongs to the generalized gradient approximation functional for exchange correlation energy is quite popular these days as it provides reliable results. B3LYP approach which...
27 July 2016 2,906 8 View
The Energy levels in 0D materials become discretized due to Quantum confinement effect and DOS can be represented by delta function. How can we correlate the optical constants like refractive...
24 May 2016 4,852 1 View
I have performed a geometry optimization task in CASTEP. The job terminated in between. I wish to start the calculation from the termination step. How can we monitor the steps while the job is...
08 April 2016 2,288 7 View
I deal with nanoclusters. I am new user of Materials Studio. CASTEP doesn't work if we do not make a crystal. I tried to make a spherical nanocluster of 1 nm size. I had given the coordinates of...
17 September 2015 3,293 5 View