6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sangita Shresta
Hi experts, Can we use MRM transition using higher m/z value using QTRAP4000 (for example 1300.3>350.2)? Just curious. QTRAP4000 can scan maximum 1200 m/z then how can it scan for >1200 m/z...
07 July 2017 1,781 7 View
Hello, I have a simple question on quantitation using mass spectrometry with an example. Here is an example: Experimental: 50mg sample was used to extract metabolites, the sample was extracted,...
01 January 2017 6,214 8 View
Hi all, Can you please tell me if Selexion can replace high resolution mass spectrometry? Conversly, why should I choose high res. instrument not Selexion or vice versa? If Selexion claims to...
11 November 2016 5,994 0 View
Hey Experts, I am planning to buy LC detector for lipid analysis. Can you please suggest me which LC detector would be best for lipid analysis? I am using SCIEX 5500 QTRAP and Shimadzu LC. Thank...
08 August 2016 8,191 7 View
Hey all, I got to see few papers on mass spec of sphingomyelins from Merill, Hsu, Sullard, and few others. They have clearly explained about the fragmentation pattern of sphingomyelins with Na,...
08 August 2016 2,893 3 View
Hello all,I just finished lipid extraction using Bligh Dyer method. I used 100ul of plasma samples for extraction. I got about 0.9-2.2 mg dry weight total lipid. I want to know how much organic...
07 July 2016 5,370 3 View