7 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sangita Shresta
Hi experts, Can we use MRM transition using higher m/z value using QTRAP4000 (for example 1300.3>350.2)? Just curious. QTRAP4000 can scan maximum 1200 m/z then how can it scan for >1200 m/z...
27 July 2017 3,270 6 View
Hello, I have a simple question on quantitation using mass spectrometry with an example. Here is an example: Experimental: 50mg sample was used to extract metabolites, the sample was extracted,...
24 January 2017 3,914 8 View
Hello experts, I want to build a calibration curve by purchasing the lipid mixture containing several group of lipids with different concentration (For example: PC, PE, CE, SM with concentration...
25 October 2016 1,897 5 View
Hello, Can anyone please explain me about what cps (intensity) is? What it means in term of MS data? Is there cut-off value for intensity to be considered significant? Is anything below 1000 cps...
25 August 2016 294 5 View
Hey Experts, I am planning to buy LC detector for lipid analysis. Can you please suggest me which LC detector would be best for lipid analysis? I am using SCIEX 5500 QTRAP and Shimadzu LC. Thank...
05 August 2016 8,296 6 View
Dear Experts, Attached files are the mass spectra for blank run (methanol:chloroform 1:1). I got so many noises. Is that contamination or spectra for mobile phase (Acetonitrile, Methanol, etc). I...
17 July 2016 3,056 7 View
Hey All, I am new to lipid biochemistry. I am planning to use odd chain fatty acid (OCFA) as internal standard for extraction (C17:0, C19:0 etc). Is it still relevant for quantitation. I have seen...
26 June 2016 9,663 6 View