7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sameer Huprikar
Suppose I have two liquid mixtures (A+B) and (C+D). The component B is the minor component ~15% in the first mixture. However this component B individually is miscible with all the three liquids...
03 March 2018 5,641 4 View
If a moderately dense suspension (say 0.4 particle fraction) of spherical particles is pushed through a syringe with a constriction, what causes the suspending liquid in the system to...
07 July 2017 4,897 3 View
I am looking for information/ literture on various types of oil spills and the current clean up methods for the same. The information related to how does an oil spill area exactly look like on...
05 May 2017 795 5 View
I am looking for polydisperse PMMA particles (~ 100-300 microns) of various shapes other than spherical ones eg. rods, platelets, discs, ellipsoids etc. Can someone share information about...
05 May 2017 4,184 2 View
I am looking for information/ numbers of wettability (and contact angles) of different liquids (water as well as other organic solvents) on graphite, graphene and carbon black surfaces. I am...
05 May 2017 3,024 3 View
I am looking for some literature on critical gels. I did get my hands on the detailed work by Winter and Chambon. They stop polymerization to produce a critical gel state. However I have not come...
05 May 2017 4,215 4 View
I am looking for information on the rheological properties of healthy cells and their equivalent cancer cells. To put it crudely, say for instance a piece of skin which is healthy and a piece that...
04 April 2017 2,415 5 View