7 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sajjad Lotfi
Hi dear friends Who is informant informal caregiver for dementia or Alzheimer patient? What criteria should be used to identify a informant informal caregiver? How long should someone take care of...
01 January 2018 3,404 2 View
Hi Dear friend I'm interested to know how can write an excellent bibliometric study. I want to know: 1. What is the steps of a bibliometric study 2. What is the standard method for writing a good...
12 December 2016 3,752 1 View
Today, there are many screening tests for a variety of diseases. Most of these tests are valid and reliable and for them calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative...
08 August 2016 3,509 3 View
I am interested to know, How to calculate the sample size in regression studies? I have read the following article: Sample Size for Multiple Regression: Obtaining Regression Coefficients That Are...
06 June 2016 7,630 8 View
What is the difference between an age effect and cohort effect? and how we can we interpret them? please suggest me some article in this field. thanks
05 May 2016 353 2 View
Please answer this question without the use of scientific definitions (don't use WHO or UN or... definitions). I want to know who is elderly in your mind and what criteria you use to identify the...
05 May 2016 2,539 1 View
I need a colleague in the validity and reliability of diagnostic tools dementia in other country. especially countries have a lot of illiterate Elderly. Do anyone is interested in cooperation?
05 May 2015 7,556 0 View