6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saiful Arifin Shafiee
Amide bonds can break in alkaline solutions due to hydrolysis. Is there any way that we can do to protect the bond from breaking? Perhaps using protective films?
02 November 2019 6,242 1 View
I would like to assess the morphology of Zn particles in anode gels using SEM but it is not possible because the gels obviously contain liquid. One of the ways to do it is to use cryo-SEM but...
13 May 2019 8,066 2 View
I found a paper but seems like I lost my database and i could not find the literature. It is about BDD electrodes being electrophobic/electrophilic when oxygen terminated which would then affect...
10 December 2014 9,262 3 View
How do you prepare 1 mM FcMeOH? It is insoluble in water and it tends to build up flakes after some time. I reckon that using FcMeOH with flakes floating around in order to study the kinetics...
16 October 2014 519 6 View
I have been doing SECM approach curves a million times on a substrate (semiconductor) at different locations but it seems like I always have got the same problems. 1) The tip of the electrode was...
16 September 2014 4,195 2 View
I have just started my master and I have never encountered with electrochemistry in depth before. I am currently doing a potential-step chronoamperometry to determine the diffusion coefficient of...
11 July 2014 433 6 View