5 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saif Basheer Al-Khoja
I'd like to make PSF i.e. Point spread function to an image I am using python, if any one can help me and tell me the idea or the mechanism to code it in python? I tried FFT2 via OpenCV, then via...
01 August 2019 2,537 0 View
PyQt5 & tkinter libraries are GUIs for python. These libraries are not easy of use, e.g. in C# and Delphi I can drag and drop the objects in my form to use it. But, in python this is not...
16 July 2019 8,144 6 View
I am using python language and I tried Pycharm, VS Code, Vim, Spyder from anaconda, I am confused I can't find which is the best among them. Can you help me to find the best if I forget another...
10 July 2019 4,115 35 View
I am using PyWavelets to make wavelike transform to the images by using python language. PyWavelets convert my images to grayscale images, How can I use PyWavelets with color images?
10 July 2019 4,200 3 View
I am working with python programming language, my field is image processing, and I did FFT2 via Scipy, numpy, and OpenCV. I need to code PSF and MTF to an image would you tell me how to code them...
01 January 1970 6,221 2 View