13 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saeed Rahmati
Suppose that we have the following LMI. [A 0 ; 0 alpha^2*M'*M]
12 December 2018 5,217 3 View
I want to apply my proposed control strategy to a distributed dynamic system with linear interconnections and non linearity in each subsystem or nonlinear interconnection between subsystems. It...
15 November 2018 8,574 2 View
Greetings, I'm going to apply a robust control strategy to a three-machine power system with turbine/governor dynamical model considered in the following paper: "Robust decentralized...
15 April 2018 7,941 15 View
Dear All, Could you please introduce me some papers concerning Distributed Model Predictive Control strategy using LMI techniques. Also, it would be preferable to use terminal cost function and...
12 April 2017 2,244 2 View
Hi. I'm going to work on Robust centralised and distributed MPC analysis of Discrete LTI systems using robust invariant set and LMI. Could any one suggest me some recently published papers...
04 August 2016 5,263 2 View
Hello everyone. Consider a constrained LTI system as: dx=Ax+Bu+ alpha*H*x, where 'alpha' is a varying parameter in [0 1] and H is a constant matrix, controlled by MPC. In the case of linear...
24 January 2016 8,489 3 View
Hello everyone. I'm going to simulate a Constrained Nonlinear MPC, so I have to find an invariant terminal set for my nonlinear system Is there any special toolkit or toolbox for doing so? or it...
09 July 2015 5,642 3 View
when designing a fuzzy controller or system, you have constructed a fuzzy rule table experimentally. but you have obtained many fuzzy rules. in such a situations, what procedure do you suggest to...
05 June 2015 895 9 View
When designing a Lyapunov-type controller for a nonlinear system, how should the region of attraction be determined? Is there any general approach to determine the Lyapunov function with respect...
29 May 2015 2,480 13 View
I would like to solve the following LMI optimization problem in matrices Y and L with MATLAB. What MATLAB function should be used for solving the LMI problem? I don't know how I can define system...
16 April 2015 5,668 4 View
I have designed a SISO fuzzy PID controller and want to test it on a SISO nonlinear controller. I would appreciate it if someone could give me a benchmark SISO nonlinear plant.
23 February 2015 8,524 4 View
Hi everyone. I want to simulate a NMPC controller for a nonlinear constrained system in Matlab, but I don't know how to implement it. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me with it.
17 January 2015 6,958 14 View
What is the main advantage and disadvantage of Dual-mode and Min-Max(LMI-Based) MPC? while you can synthesize robust mpc controllers by both of them. Optimality, calculation time, number of...
01 January 1970 6,994 2 View