31 Questions 62 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sabah Zaib
I want to explore narrative strategies applied by an author in a novel. Here narrative strategy means narrative techniques (point of view, setting, plot, characterization, style etc.). Do you...
07 July 2019 2,050 5 View
Dear all, Kindly give me your opinion about the usefulness of reading Shakespeare's Hamlet in 21st century. B.S (English) students at my university sometimes argue that "why do they study this...
08 August 2018 574 6 View
Dear all, In literary research we analyse literary pieces in the lights of different theories. We analyse the text with the help of a fixed theoretical framework. But, this overall analysis seems...
08 August 2018 9,788 10 View
I am looking forward to your response.
10 October 2017 9,587 0 View
Dear all, Let me know, the techniques to write down introductory section in a research paper of literature. Several researchers start introduction with literature review, some introduce research...
06 June 2017 6,514 9 View
Dear all, I'm in search of questionnaire to adopt for my study on the use of whatsapp in teaching. I am at the initial stage and reviewing several studies to design my own research study. I...
01 January 2017 5,474 7 View
Dear all, According to my understanding, "aim" is like a "goal"- a big target. To achieve our goal, we make some short and specific targets- that are called objectives. I mean, the scope of aim is...
12 December 2016 5,006 19 View
Dear all, Today we are celebrating "World Teacher's Day". Teachers inspire nations. They educate nations. I salute to my teachers and to all teachers around the world for their services. Best...
10 October 2016 3,500 5 View
Dear all, I want your ideas to guide my students for research. Undergraduate students of my department rarely know about research. Therefore, I want to develop a teaching research program for...
09 September 2016 6,732 15 View
Kindly share your experiences and good sample letters. Regards,
09 September 2016 6,334 1 View
Dear all, Can you share your experiences of publication with AIAC Publishers. According to Beall's list, this publisher is fake.It publishes article within short duration of time, which is against...
09 September 2016 9,254 2 View
Dear all, I need literature to review the topic/theme of ethical principles for authors in publishing scholarly articles. Could you help me please? I look forward for your response. Regards,
09 September 2016 1,875 2 View
I want to develop a research paper on the step by step writing process of abstract for the novice scholars of my university. Their ideas about writing abstract are not clear. Now, this question is...
09 September 2016 2,162 13 View
Dear all, I have experienced corruption (some unethical practices of authors in scholarly publishing). Now I want to write about this evil (to write a research paper to warn the corrupted people)....
09 September 2016 4,379 7 View
Abstract is a summary of our research work. I include the following elements in "abstracts" of my papers: 1. Aim, 2.Objectives 3. Research Question/Hypothesis 4. Theoretical framework (at least...
09 September 2016 5,358 24 View
In humanities, arts and social sciences, authors often given preference to evaluation of their paper. They write research papers theoretically without giving proper attention to the technical...
09 September 2016 6,059 5 View
Suppose, this is the question asked by a novice student from a developing country having a poor research culture. This researcher is going to make his thesis first time. Now he needs preliminary...
09 September 2016 8,648 10 View
I want to know the standard practice of using references in abstract. Kindly give me examples from OUP, Sage, Elsvier journals etc. Thanks.
08 August 2016 7,377 19 View
Dear all, I have to teach prose to my students of BS level Part III. I have to cover the following books: 1: Charles Lambs' Essays (Dream Children and Chimney Sweeper) 2. John Ruskin's: The Crown...
08 August 2016 9,721 1 View
Dear all,Once my teacher said that we should almost 90 percent review/cite/rely on published research papers for our research study. How far do you agree with this perception?Is there any...
08 August 2016 9,804 1 View
Dear all, We all know Beall's List which updates us about low quality publishing. But some scholars favor Beall's list and some criticize it. Further, CELJ is another source that may provide us...
07 July 2016 4,859 15 View
Now predatory publishing market is increasing day by day. Beall's list almost daily updates us about fake publications. Now most of the current studies warn us to cite fake, hijacked and predatory...
07 July 2016 9,509 28 View
Let me know the secrets of teaching pronunciation to EFL students. Yesterday, i heard reading of a paragraph of my two students of 10th and 12th Grade. They were very poor in their reading skill....
07 July 2016 7,039 28 View
Many novice students do not like the subject of history. They do not show their interest in reading about the past and therefore often get low marks in this subject. Now, from August I have to...
07 July 2016 1,621 15 View
Dear all, Could you give me a list of most famous international Research Journals in English literature, please or kindly inform me about standalone literary research journal. Regards, Sabah Zaib
06 June 2016 2,548 6 View
I'm interested to have a collection of "Award Winning Research Papers" in the above named fields of knowledge. Your contribution is highly appreciated. All the best, Sabah
05 May 2016 8,814 0 View
I'm an M.Phil student of English Literature. My specific area of study is subaltern studies. I have two good research papers on subalterns portrayed in Pakistani English short fiction. Now I want...
03 March 2016 8,837 4 View
If at several grounds (arts and) humanities and social sciences reconcile one another so how they are different? Kindly clarify the basic difference(s) between them.
12 December 2015 4,644 5 View
Kindly explain it.
11 November 2015 1,388 4 View
I want some papers that analyse code switching in literary pieces.. with especial reference to code switching and construction of social identity....
10 October 2015 6,817 3 View
I'm conducting ethnographic case study research by combining fictional and real stories for my M.Phil. degree in English Literature. Therefore, I need some model papers to correct my ideas.
08 August 2015 2,175 0 View