16 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rolando Arturo Cubillos González
Neighborhood patterns play an important role in alleviating flood risk. What is your opinion about that?
29 May 2015 766 3 View
Resilience certification is a new guideline in the building field. i would like to know more about that topic. I appreciate your kind help.
25 March 2015 3,865 2 View
I am working in the resilience buildings prototypes in Bogotá, Colombia. I am interesting in research about resilience engineering strategies. I appreciate some help about that topic.
25 March 2015 8,581 2 View
I am working in an building prototype that need to apply resilient technology. Now, I am checking the reference to make the state of the art. I appreciate some help about articles, books or...
16 March 2015 7,441 5 View
I am working in a research to study resilient buildings. I would like to know if is possible develop a new technology that gives buildings some resilient property.
09 August 2014 8,876 10 View
I am researching about the resilient factor on buildings. Can you include the resilient concept into the buildings design? I would like to know if exist any research about resilient factor on...
17 July 2014 5,393 2 View
I am working in a research about the resilience factor of buildings. I would like to know if any research about resilience factor applied in buildings design exists. Is it possible to develop...
14 July 2014 5,418 4 View
My question is will prefabricated building systems have a positive impact on buildings design and city quality? For example, prefabricated building system would increase efficient systems of...
14 July 2014 3,578 2 View
I am recently conducting a research about the resilient factor of buildings. Can you include the resilient concept into the buildings design? I would like to know if exist any research about...
14 July 2014 5,598 2 View
Is there an overarching resilient model which is based in sustainable theory? There is a resilience thesis on a "theory of sustainability" by the field of design theory or design philosophy, but I...
14 July 2014 6,474 7 View
80% of a product's environmental impact over its life cycle is determined during the use phase, it is the common affirmation. But that is true for Buildings design? How can you verified if that...
26 June 2014 5,660 3 View
In Colombia, Builders and Architects believe that using the energy efficient solutions and strategies in their design will increase its cost. Based on your experiences, how we can increase the...
26 June 2014 4,610 20 View
I'm working about the resilience factor in building design. I'm designing a resilience analysis model in buildings.
31 March 2014 1,168 5 View
I'm researching the resilient factor in buildings and how it could reduce the climate change impact on them.
18 March 2014 797 3 View
How can we increase strategies and reduce energy consumption to design buildings? Architects and designers in Colombia believe that using energy efficient solutions will increase building costs.
10 March 2014 4,958 25 View
I am investigating testing habitability of sustainable building design. I read about various methods for sustainable building design. I would like some advice about testing habitability. I am...
22 October 2013 9,544 1 View