7 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raymond Ochs
In a physiology textbook treatment of reproduction, they describe the Corpus Luteum as yellow as a result of the color of cholesterol. Yet, pure cholesterol is white, and has no structures that...
16 November 2020 7,569 3 View
Textbooks suggest that there S2, S3, and S4 regions of the spinal cord contain preganglionic nulcei in the anterior grey horn. However, there is no grey horn in the sacral region, as the cord...
27 September 2020 7,852 3 View
Why isn't washing twice a recommendation? When you do an extraction, say of lipid fractions into organic solvent, or really any separation, the increase multiple times is far more effective than...
19 March 2020 5,774 3 View
Was just working up some structures for a class in biochemistry (teaching it I mean) and was unable to find an average or even a range of chain lengths. Maybe someone could point me to a reference.
08 February 2019 8,481 1 View
Some (e.g. Gulbins and Kolesnic, Oncogene 22:7070 (2003)) argue that sphingomyelin can be cleaved to ceramides in the plasma membrane, forming lipid rafts. This is outlined as a control pathway,...
15 March 2018 6,352 1 View
Resting potentials in nerve and muscle are different, but some sources vary in terms of the cited K equilibrium potential. The nature of this equilibrium is different from a chemical equilibrium...
12 August 2017 3,506 2 View
I'd like to find discussants as well as collaborators to investigate the nature of intracellular diffusion of molecules and the consequences to metabolism and signaling. My hypothesis is that the...
01 January 1970 3,587 0 View