8 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rasool Bahrampoury
I can call NH3H2O using Call NH3H2O (Code, In1, In2, In3: T, P, x, h, s, u, v, Qu), but when I write it in a procedure, an error of not having equal sign. I know there is a function for example...
28 January 2015 2,994 10 View
The properties include internal energy and entropy. The melting process doesn't happen at constant temperature. Heating and freezing curves that are measured by DSC are also available.
04 November 2014 8,599 11 View
Is it right when two dimension of a 3 dimensional analysis is chosen? Does it always mean the gradient of variation in the omitted dimension is negligible in comparison to other criterion that may...
26 October 2014 6,259 5 View
The goal is to produce a program like Aspen or Hysis but so simple that it includes just small number of materials and and components.
25 September 2014 9,026 2 View
I have heard aluminium forms a thin layer of AL2O3 on its surface. Is it electrically conductive? How much? For example if I put a sheet of aluminium under ground can it transfer the electricity...
01 August 2014 7,407 9 View
Although exact data are available in EES, some tried packages show considerable deviation. Which package is appropriate, or how can I have more precise results using the exact solution in the...
30 July 2014 5,683 8 View
Does it improve or decrease the cycle efficiency?
16 July 2014 8,307 3 View
For example a power plant for a refrigeration cycle, is the study helpful? why?
13 July 2014 4,011 7 View