7 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ranjith K Soman
I would like to know the challenges and opportunities regarding implementation of an augmented reality system in construction. What are the possible advantages and areas to explore etc?
06 June 2016 2,724 2 View
Multi-dimensional model is an integral aspect of the On-line Analytical Processing which also known as OLAP. Due to the fact that OLAP is online it provides information quickly, iterative queries...
05 May 2016 8,594 1 View
I need to connect an HBM K-LY 4/120 strain gauge(Linear 2 wire) to HBM QuantumX MX1615B DAQ system. This will be mainly done for the calibration of a custom built amplifier circuit. Although...
12 December 2015 8,426 2 View
I am trying to build a WSN using IoT component XBee. I need to assign MY 16 bit address to each node(XBee S2) but I am not able to do this using XCTU. Is there a way around?
03 March 2015 4,182 2 View
I connecter 3/3v to pin1 ground to pin 10 and sensor input to pin 20. But the XBee isnt powering up. I cant identify any problem. Please explain
09 September 2014 5,581 3 View
I am trying to create a sensor network with 64 nodes, 12 routers and a coordinator. I am using Zigbee protocol with the help of Xbee modules. However I can't power the end devices (64 nos) using a...
08 August 2014 6,253 8 View
Currently I'm working on the launching girder used for Incrementally launched bridges. I need to model it in Inventor to get the stresses and strains during the launching process. However I am not...
12 December 2013 4,977 11 View