19 Questions 110 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ranjan Datta
How do we truly enable communities to be in the driver’s seat to ensure the ‘community’ is community-led? How might governments consider how best to integrate self-mobilized community responses...
07 March 2021 9,829 6 View
How likely are we to see the infectious disease spread as a result of climate change? How are the communities most at-risk, and how and why both COVID-19 and climate change harms them? Why is it...
10 February 2021 1,658 28 View
Who has the right to define what is climate change research should be? Who should define the climate change research topic, research questions, and research design? Who should own the climate...
30 November 2020 1,243 12 View
Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden have presented vastly different visions for handling crucial issues, from the coronavirus pandemic to climate change. This results in how the election...
30 October 2020 8,983 6 View
Are there lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic that can be applied to the climate crisis? What are the most promising, and most challenging, solutions to climate change? And how can scientists...
16 September 2020 7,103 12 View
Although there is no evidence of a direct connection between climate change, and the emergence or transmission of COVID-19 disease, climate change may indirectly affect the COVID-19 response, as...
04 May 2020 8,377 0 View
How we all ought to be better prepared for a crisis like the COVID-19? Do you think, colonizers (i.e., settler colonizer) should be giving resources out to historically oppressed communities and...
20 April 2020 4,831 0 View
How are you taking positive steps against the Covid-19 disaster? How are you protecting your community? What do you want to suggest?
24 March 2020 7,991 38 View
What is your critical perspective?
19 March 2020 2,739 46 View
Academic research has been challenging for many local communities as it does not serve community needs. Moreover, many local communities see the term "research" is a different form of colonization...
27 December 2019 4,090 3 View
How both climate change and systemic racism have their roots in colonization and the accompanying exploitation and extraction of both people and the environment.
01 January 1970 9,963 8 View
Climate change disaster is a great amplifier of health inequities. It is already affecting and will continue to affect vulnerable populations’ health and well-being like migrants, both in Canada...
01 January 1970 6,912 7 View
Are you part of a community-led organization that advocates for racialized communities? Are you part of a coalition that is advocating for change? Bringing people together or running a campaign...
01 January 1970 3,094 3 View
Since climate change has become more common day by day, how it affects different communities differently. What and how community-led intersectional adaption should be? How can local traditional...
01 January 1970 981 5 View
The socio-economic, health environmental injustice directly impacted by the COVID-19 which is directly provoked by neoliberal policies. The systematic neo-liberal greediness promoted corporate...
01 January 1970 2,877 8 View
Who Creates Disaster? How do we measure disaster risk? How does development create disaster risk?
01 January 1970 2,482 49 View
What are your perspectives, ideas, visions, dreams, fantasies and visualizations of alternatives, utopias and dystopias?
01 January 1970 271 4 View
Reforestation does not necessarily lead to a climate change solution. Without native species and Indigenous land rights, reforestation can lead to colonization, displacement, and genocide on...
01 January 1970 5,710 10 View
Interesting to read how non-humans can teach humans a stress-free life, including human-created stresses, pandemic and climate change stresses (anxiety and mental health stresses in recent years)....
01 January 1970 5,052 0 View