20 Questions 113 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rangarajan M
I have a morbidly obese patient who is due for a gastric bypass. He also has severe GERD due to a hiatus hernia. I know that reflux symptoms improve just by doing the bypass and weight loss...
28 February 2018 2,199 10 View
I have read only contradictory commentaries on this subject - should cholecystectomy (for confirmed gallstones, not routine prophylactic) and hiatal hernia repair be done along with gastric bypass...
06 December 2017 3,524 17 View
After creating the gastric pouch, a single anastomosis (GJ) is done with a 200 cm loop of intestine. Then do a jejunostomy (Braun type), connecting the afferent loop with the efferent loop. This...
13 June 2017 965 5 View
I have a patient with typical reflux symptoms in whom adequate medical management has failed. So I'm planning fundoplication for her. Since she also complained of a "choking sensation" after...
05 October 2016 4,118 8 View
This is for a patient with severe GERD with previous ischemic heart disease, so anti-reflux surgery needs to be done at the shortest time possible to avoid anesthesia complications
31 July 2016 7,665 7 View
Currently, bariatric & metabolic surgeons offer surgery for remission of DM in 'poorly controlled' T2DM patients. What exactly is 'poorly controlled' DM? Are there any guidelines?
18 September 2015 7,150 7 View
After the introduction of duodeno-jejunal bypass as a simpler alternative to other malabsorptive procedures, it seems to be very similar to the mini-gastric bypass described by Dr.Rutledge in...
18 September 2015 5,683 9 View
Literature is rife with many surgical techniques for obese diabetics. Is duodeno-jejunal bypass + sleeve gastrectomy superior to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass regarding T2DM control ?
16 September 2015 8,852 5 View
Sleeve gastrectomy by itself gives reasonable T2DM control in obese diabetics. So then what is the indication for adding a duodeno-jejunal bypass to sleeve gastrectomy ? Will it provide better...
16 September 2015 4,249 6 View
Recently, I've been using a single Hem-o-lok clip to secure the appendicular base following single-site-two-trocar appendectomy. So far, I've had no complications in the short-term. Any thoughts...
14 May 2015 5,068 12 View
Is the term 'paraumbilical' hernia redundant ? If a defect is present within the umbilicus, its termed''umbilical' hernia. Any other defect anywhere else on the anterior abdominal wall is called...
23 January 2015 9,161 5 View
Many of you would have performed many incisional hernia repairs, some specialists even in the thousands. Ever wonder why the defects are always circular ? .
02 December 2014 2,450 24 View
Is it enough to resect only the redundant sigmoid colon, or resect the entire sigmoid or anything more?
26 August 2014 3,736 16 View
The current recommendation is that mesh size should be calculated with a 5cm margin all around from the defect edge. So if defect size is 4cm, mesh size should be (5+4+5) 14cm. Now this means the...
14 August 2014 2,050 19 View
Traditionally, we use a 11 x 6cm in open hernia repair. In laparoscopic repair, most surgeons use one of these sizes: 15 x 10cm, 15 x 12cm or 15 x 7.5cm. The recommendation is to adequately cover...
07 August 2014 8,001 27 View
I have a 25-year-old patient who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy for a ruptured appendix with peritonitis 9 days ago. He still has not opened bowels, has abdominal distension and one episode...
07 August 2014 6,286 16 View
The common methods to secure the base are: single endoloop (in laparoscopy) application double endoloop (in laparoscopy) application purse-string suture primary simple closure to bury the...
15 July 2014 7,473 40 View
Several dedicated centers have published data regarding this, but our diabetology friends beg to differ. Any (unbiased!) thoughts?
02 April 2014 8,060 8 View
After disconnecting the uterus, I think suturing is faster and easier if its done transvaginally. Laparoscopy & CO2 insufflation times can be reduced as well. Is there any specific advantage of...
28 March 2014 7,424 14 View
Transhiatal esophagectomy was championed by American Dr. Orringer since 1976. The issues were: inadequate field exposure; inadequacy of node clearance, use of blind & blunt dissection & (rarely)...
14 March 2014 4,524 15 View