5 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rahul Roy
Hello. I have a conceptual question for the community today. If root lengths of two different genotypes in Arabidopsis are significantly different and they are showing a difference in LR emergence...
23 July 2016 4,608 3 View
I know nutritional cues regulate the LR emergence process, so I know it's definitely something to do with the ratios changing in the quarter strength media. Could someone direct me to a reference...
12 December 2014 8,684 5 View
How do I prevent photodegradation of natural auxin (IAA) in MS media? I am planning to conduct root length studies with IAA over a length of 7 days, hence I want to make sure my IAA concentration...
21 April 2014 860 3 View
I have observed that lateral root (LR) emergence in Arabidopsis roots increases when you transfer a seedling onto a fresh plate rather than when you just let it grow on the plate it germinated on....
24 April 2013 2,076 12 View
I know a lot of tests on membrane resilience of an organelle or compartment is done by changing osmotic concentrations and measuring various parameters. If I were to do a preliminary test using a...
08 February 2013 7,739 4 View