4 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rafidah Ahmad
Usually chlorobezene was used as a solvent for P3HT/PCDTBT polymer. Is there any solvent that can be used beside chlorobenzene? As it is a halogenated solvent and harzardous.
01 January 2013 1,028 3 View
How to measure the graphene thickness using a Raman spectrometer. Is there any paper that provides the calculation and solution? The graphene was coated on to a glass substrate.
01 January 2013 7,660 3 View
Here are the steps to clean the Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) or without ITO coated on the glass. 1. Clean acetone 2. Clean with 55 deg C of 10% NaOH solution 3. Rinse in deionized water. Step #3. Can...
12 December 2012 3,344 24 View
Graphene films can be used as a transparent electrode. Currently O2 plasma etching was used to etch the graphene. Is there any way to remove some of the graphene area for the thickness measurement?
12 December 2012 802 9 View