10 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rafael Brandão
I have been sorting NIH 3T3 based on GFP positivity for quite a long time and this has worked fine when all the GFP positive cells are sorted to the same well (of a 24 well or 12 well plate). The...
06 June 2014 2,361 10 View
I'm trying to optimize an ELISA-based technique where I coat with a protein, block, add a second protein and then detect for the second protein. Do you know any effective protocol? Also, how...
03 March 2013 7,043 7 View
Do you know (from your experience of literature), if GST (tag) interact with other tags? For example HA, HIS, MBP, etc.
02 February 2013 4,193 3 View
I'm running several ELISA tests at the moment and it seems that sometimes they work properly and sometimes they don't. I coat overnight (4ºC), then the next day I block and incubate with primary...
01 January 2013 484 9 View
I´m trying to coat an ELISA plate with a protein which pI is ~5.20. I´ve been using a bicarbonate/carbonate buffer for the coating process, however it seems that my protein does not attach to the...
01 January 2013 7,218 10 View
I'm running some ELISA experiment plates coated with an extremely expensive protein. However, at the end of the experiment there was no signal. The last step of this experiment was the incubation...
01 January 2013 7,780 7 View
I´ve been trying for a long time to express a cytoplasmic tail of a transmembrane protein and purify it. Since the beginning I have experienced several problems with inclusion bodies. I was able o...
10 October 2012 4,365 11 View
I have already tried with GST but got some inclusion bodies issue and then I thought His tag would be more suitable. However, I have been reading about it and it seems that in many cases it can...
10 October 2012 8,568 8 View
I´ve been trying for a long time to solubilize my protein using Sarkosyl, which was expressed as inclusion bodies. I have incubated my pellet in Sarkosyl 2% in order to solubilize and then...
10 October 2012 3,709 13 View
I´ve been trying to solubilize proteins from E. coli inclusion bodies using several methods. The last one that I´ve tried was 6M Guanidine. However it seems that it did not help. I would like if I...
10 October 2012 9,341 16 View