12 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Philip Lyons
I am undertaking 16S amplicon microbiome characterization of fish gut using MiSeq. Just wondering if anybody has any similar experience in figuring out a required sequencing depth to achieve this...
10 October 2014 9,849 8 View
I know that the two columns are silica-membrane based, but perhaps they bind different sizes of DNA? I am extracting DNA from intestinal content samples for microbial community analyses, and the...
07 July 2014 8,724 4 View
Does anybody have the Inhibitex tablets (Qiagen) for removal of PCR inhibitors from DNA extraction preps? I have a sampling coming up and really need them. Thank you
07 July 2014 8,333 10 View
Long shot here I know, but does anybody have this kit, or even the Inhibitex tablets for it? I have a sampling coming up shortly and Qiagen are not stocking this kit until end August. I've tried...
07 July 2014 7,493 3 View
I have always used Qiagen's DNA Stool Mini Kit for extraction of community DNA from environmental samples. However, the manufacturer has no replaced this kit with "Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit", which...
06 June 2014 575 14 View
I am analyzing microbiome data from a pyroseq run. My analysis returned different numbers of reads for each sample. Can clustering of sequences belonging to different genera help to eliminate any...
03 March 2014 2,403 2 View
I am interpreting microbiome data output from illumina miseq. The genus read counts are significantly higher than genus read clusters, and I am trying to understand the difference between them. A...
03 March 2014 9,459 11 View
I ran 10 samples altogether, yielding a total of 10,289,176 reads before quality filtering. After removal of chimeras and denoising (up to OTU assignment), the total was 4,560,861. I then quality...
03 March 2014 5,290 10 View
I am performing a 16S microbiome study, and have sent my samples to a lab for NGS using illumina MiSeq, until our own MiSeq here is up and running. I have received pictures of the preliminary...
01 January 2014 8,198 2 View
Or to immediately snap freeze in liquid N or at -80CIf storage is in option, can the samples be stored in a sterile eppendorf only, or does the eppendorf have to contain a stabilizing buffer...
01 January 2014 9,618 2 View
I am performing a microbiome analysis of the fish gut using next gen sequencing. I am wondering how much starting material I should be using for my DNA extractions. The Qiagen kit that I use for...
01 January 2014 8,077 9 View
A recent experiment examining the fish gut microbiome returned results showing quite a low level of species evenness but high level of species diversity. One gut microbe in particular was very...
01 January 2014 3,443 19 View