3 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Peter Sheng Yao Hsu
Dear all, There is a question about ANCOVA that I’m not sure if it’s correct. I want to compare the score of MMSE (a cognitive test) as IV between 3 groups. Let’s say Normal, MCI (mild cognitive...
07 November 2018 3,940 1 View
Dear all experts, I'm currently doing a fMRI study and compare two groups in two conditions (switch and non-switch), and wondering if they have differences in one ROI (region of...
19 April 2018 2,917 3 View
Typically, BOLD signals are regarded as how much effort that people process a cognitive task. But, is that possible that 'the efficacy of how people use this activation' could determine...
01 January 1970 881 4 View