4 Questions 33 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Oliver Maximilian Fisher
I'm trying to run a multivariable logistic regression model in R (backward selection), where a lot of my variables are dichotomous (e.g. diabetes = yes/no). An issue for my data is that I have 34...
03 March 2014 2,377 6 View
I asked this question over on Stackoverflow a few days ago, but haven't received an answer. I went through all 12 pages on SO regarding grouped barplots but just couldn't find a way to do what I...
03 March 2014 7,069 14 View
Hi there, so this is an absolutely basic question for R, but although I've tried various approaches, I just can't get it to work. So as most of you know, when you perform the standard boxplot() or...
02 February 2014 1,065 12 View
I work with R (specifically R Studio) a lot to do the stats for my research. I've just been doing some ELISAs and was looking around for an R package, that might help in analysing this type of...
02 February 2014 1,289 11 View