11 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nizzal Syafiq
From my laboratory experiment, A. versicolor is able to grow on PDA agar but the growth is really slow compared to A. flavus and A. niger. It takes 2 weeks to make the A. versicolor cover 2/3 of...
25 November 2016 1,991 8 View
I'm currently doing glucose standard curve graph. Do I need to plot zero absorbance for zero concentration in the standard curve graph or just start with the first concentration that I used?
28 March 2016 5,752 7 View
I have managed to construct xylose standard curve by DNS method with R square value of 0.9985. With the equation y = 2.211x - 0.1607. Does this standard curve accepted to be use as refrecne if the...
18 March 2016 9,727 4 View
I'm working on extracellular xylanase and pectinase enzyme which was produce by fungsi via SSF. In the enzyme assay for xylanase and pectinase I use pectin and xylan solution as substrate in the...
08 January 2016 4,859 6 View
Does this formula accepted? Or they are other formula that are more widely used and accepted? Units (U/ml)= (microgram of glucose released) X (total assay volume) X dilution factor) / divided...
19 March 2015 4,715 15 View
In case of using crude enzyme samples, which we knew the properties of the crude enzyme is not pure and heterogenous. Is it better to use the DNS (with rochelle salt before) or use the DNS reagent...
09 March 2015 9,875 4 View
My research focus on the production of xylanase, and pectinase in SSF condition. I wanted to do enzyme assay of the crude enzyme extracted using DNS method. My question is, for each sample do I...
09 March 2015 3,981 8 View
I'm currently conducting research on the production of xylanase, pectinase and protease via solid state fermentation. The crude enzyme I harvested from each set of SSF is my primary source of each...
06 March 2015 5,023 6 View
Currently I'm doing research on production of hydrolytic enzymes via SFF. Does anyone know the best way to store crude enzyme while maintaining its freshness in term of enzyme activity. And how...
03 March 2015 3,662 9 View
I'm currently working on production of industrial enzyme via SSF. There is an ongoing argument on fungal inoculation either using plug inoculation or spore suspension inoculation methods. So my...
25 November 2014 2,653 4 View
Currently, I am culturing fungus in petri dishes. Frequently, condensation of water occurred on the inner top of the petri dish. Although the water droplets didn't fall down it still blocks the...
14 November 2014 395 10 View