12 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nisar Ahmed
I have submitted a manuscript and it is showing the status "Editor Assigned" for nearly five months. I have contacted the editor after four months and they appraised that due to editorial workload...
11 November 2019 3,197 5 View
MATLAB provides an easy way for image data augmentation using imageDataAugmenter function. It takes image datastore with folder names as label. When the same function is used for regression data,...
01 January 2019 1,582 1 View
I have encountered some ensembles using decision tree or artificial neural networks as weak learners in ensemble building. I want to know some successful publications which have utilized...
09 September 2018 9,965 0 View
I am learning Convolutional Neural Networks and after studying basics such as their working, activation functions and other such details I tried to apply them on image category classification...
09 September 2018 8,467 3 View
What are the methods to measure the bias and variance of a machine learning algorithm (regression) in order to improve it. I have designed a neural network for regression problem and I want to...
09 September 2018 8,716 8 View
I am a data scientist having interest in psychology. I want a long-term research domain where I can apply machine learning techniques in the area of my interest. I have considered using biomarkers...
01 January 2017 2,491 1 View
I want to remove a full text from researchgate but all I can do is to remove it from my list of publication but the full text still remain available on researchgate. The paper has copyright issue...
01 January 2016 1,593 4 View
Can somebody recommend me a data mining research topic along with a sample dataset which I can find at UCI or other repository.
12 December 2015 8,320 9 View
I need to calculate maximum deviation and irregular deviation of an encrypted image. I have its formulas but It would waste much of my time in implementation so I am requesting if someone can...
02 February 2015 4,688 4 View
I am doing analysis of image encryption schemes for a project and want to analyse the cryptographic security of different image encryption schemes. It would be helpful for me if I can get Matlab...
02 February 2015 1,896 12 View
I need to publish my work in a Journal. My research domain is image encryption and watermarking.
02 February 2015 8,158 3 View
I have expertise in Image Processing, Machine Learning and Data Mining. I have difficulty in pinpointing a research problem. I have tried; Feature Extraction and Feature Selection techniques for...
01 January 1970 5,492 2 View