13 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nilmini Kumari
I'm interesting to know that, 1. how many additional nucleotides can you add at the 5' site of the primer ? 2. How many restriction sequences can you add at the 5' site of the primer ? 3. when...
06 June 2018 9,580 6 View
When preparing plasmid samples we do RNAse treatment to remove RNA from plasmid DNA. I would like to know; is it necessary for plasmid sequencing from sanger di deoxy method ? How RNA interfere...
07 July 2017 5,712 7 View
Please in for me details about this journal. It mentioned it is SCI journal listed in Thomsons Reuters journal list. But I couldn't find it! And please let me know the original web address of SCI...
03 March 2017 7,592 1 View
I would like to use above kinase assay kit to check the activity of ATPase in my expressed protein. But I couldn't find a person who has used it in my department. I would like if any body who has...
06 June 2016 9,440 3 View
My cloned gene contain His-C terminal tag. I would like to check my protein using western blot. So could you please advice me what sort of antibody could be use. I prefered to do the detection...
05 May 2016 8,425 4 View
I use PCR to confirm the insert in my clones. Normally its getting positive or negative bands. But this time I got bands less intense than the positive with primer dimers. some clones only got...
04 April 2016 4,759 17 View
I have a bacterial gene sequence code for a protein but it's start position/ codon is TTG. Is it a mutation or consider as a alternative start codon?. I need to express this protein in a BL 21...
02 February 2016 6,863 6 View
In labs we are normally using 70% cleaning ethanol for sterilization. Can anybody know the theory behind it?
01 January 2016 661 5 View
In bacteria, protein coding genes are organized in an operon. If the operon contain three protein coding regions, My questions are; 1. Do all genes operate from one promoter? 2. Can individual...
11 November 2015 1,795 1 View
I am going to design primers to amplify an operon from a gram positive bacteria in order to cloned in to a pGEMT vector. What are the steps I should follow?
10 October 2015 7,637 2 View
pET-28a(+) vector contain few fusion tags. N-terminal His.Tag and N-terminal T7.Tag along with C-terminal His.Tag. What are the individual usage of each tags? If all tags were there with my insert...
10 October 2015 4,760 11 View
I have a wild type bacteria culture and want to check the presence of plasmids in it. I followed the normal plasmid isolation procedure and got a small pellet. In gel electrophoresis a lower...
12 December 2014 6,252 9 View
I am using 16S rRNA gene analysis for identification of bacteria. But for an organism show 100% 16S rDNA sequence (~1400 bp) homology to two species B. megaterium and B. ariyabattai according to...
01 January 1970 376 10 View