20 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Negin Malekian
In the fasta output of Prokka listing the name of genes, some genes does not have any name ("gene: NA"). My question is whether these genes are hypothetical or they do not have any name?If the...
09 September 2017 8,949 5 View
I know that in the Markov decision process (MDP), the probability of transition to a new state depends on the current state and chosen action of an agent. However, in my model, the new state of an...
01 January 2017 894 5 View
I mean, are MDP and reinforcement learning as powerful as evolutionary game theory to model evolutionary dynamics of populations?
06 June 2016 3,748 4 View
I want to know whether tumor cells share their information by time passing. I were wondering if anybody could answer my question and introduce some good resources in this regard?
01 January 2016 3,433 19 View
I want to know whether tumor cells learn to choose the best phenotypic behavior (i.e., apoptosis, necrosis, proliferation or quiescence) based on the environment (e.g., oxygen level) by time...
01 January 2016 9,219 10 View
I want to fit my data with the Gompertz curve. So I should find the best free parameters in Gompertz function that leads to low bias and variance. What’s your suggestion?
12 December 2015 1,945 10 View
I want to fit my data (50 samples so that each of them contains 100 data points) with Gompertz curve. After that, I want to check whether the fitting is appropriate. Here, low bias and variance is...
12 December 2015 3,368 8 View
The thing is, the agents in my model don’t have to necessarily reach a final state. I mean, the behavior of agents over time must be learned instead of reaching to a final state. For example, the...
11 November 2015 3,754 1 View
Thanks in advance
10 October 2015 8,505 0 View
There are a lot of agents in my model while they have interaction just through the environment. I’m using a Q-Learning algorithm to solve this model so that all the agents share a static Q-table...
10 October 2015 8,080 13 View
For validation part of my study, I need a comparison between my model of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and ODE models of this area. But, I’m really confused because ordinary differential...
10 October 2015 3,928 10 View
I’m looking for the number of “tumor cells” and “effector cytotoxic T cells (CTLs)” at different time steps of “ductal carcinoma in situ”. I need these data to validate my model. I were wondering...
09 September 2015 2,646 9 View
I am not familiar with these methods! I also don't know which of these methods are on-line or off-line policy!
09 September 2015 4,449 1 View
I’ve known that there are two main approaches for reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces: model-based and model-free. Does anybody know if this classification (classification...
09 September 2015 6,415 6 View
For example, what is the difference between "On-Policy Temporal-Difference Learning" and "Off-policy Temporal-Difference Learning"
09 September 2015 5,504 2 View
I'm new in reinforcement learning and I don't know the difference between value iteration and policy iteration methods! I am also very confused about categories of methods in reinforcement...
09 September 2015 3,334 15 View
I mean how we can know a whether a "model-based reinforcement learning algorithm" or a "model-free reinforcement learning algorithm" is suitable for our case . Furthermore, there are a lot of...
09 September 2015 9,693 2 View
For example, how does a cell know if there are five cells in the neighborhood of it which three of them are tumor cells and two others are immune cells? Is it via signal passing? If so, which...
08 August 2015 5,933 1 View
I want to know if there is any noise in the estimation of a cell (especially cancer cell) about number and type of neighbor cells. I also want to know what factors are involved in the amount of...
08 August 2015 3,182 8 View
I want to know about joint behaviors of cancer cells? For example, I want to know if a behavior of tumor cells depends on the action of a group of tumor cells and not only on the behavior of one cell?
08 August 2015 2,636 3 View