7 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Negar Tavakoli
I have downloaded monthly mean wind speed of terraclimate data for 20 years (2000-2019) which have NetCDF format, but unfortunately, each year has a single NetCDF file, and I want to merge them...
26 November 2020 8,700 2 View
I want to detect the trend and seasonal changes of NDVI index. I want to know that for decomposing the time series, which one is the best, using the BFAST algorithm in R package or decomposing...
13 September 2020 1,659 3 View
After I calculate NDVI index by MODIS PRODUCTS, I want to classify NDVI in my case study. I want to calculate Classification accuracy for NDVI classification like producer accuracy, user accuracy,...
27 August 2020 419 2 View
This collection of MODIS has 2 options for calculating NDVI index. First, we can calculate it from NDVI formula or we can use NDVI index that MODIS has calculated. I use both of them but they are...
26 August 2020 2,603 3 View
Hello I'm working on a project that I want to detect forest and deforestation areas. I need some information about Maximum-likelihood or Support vector machine (SVM) for image classification.
23 August 2020 2,062 3 View
Hi everyone I'm working on a project and I want to evaluate water, energy balance in Australian Forest. I want to know that can I use the Integrated biosphere simulator (IBIS) or Joint UK land...
09 August 2020 4,493 0 View
Hello I have just installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my laptop and I'm new to this. I am required to run my Model which is called IBIS, so I have to install g77 or f77. I could not install these...
01 January 1970 5,526 11 View