13 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Sufian
Taxonomic identification of plants can be done by gene barcoding. There are several reported gene markers to be used to barcode unknown species. My question is "Is it possible to identify the...
24 January 2020 6,807 3 View
I want to find out the overall protein sequence similarity among 2 strains of same bacterial specie. Let say, strain 1 has 4500 proteins and strain 2 has 4300. My strategy was; I performed...
06 November 2015 7,138 3 View
I have some results tabulated in an Excel file, which consists of 42 fields and 73 records, each record comprised of 8 or 9 digit number (PDF attached). I want to represent it in a reader-friendly...
08 June 2015 6,823 3 View
I have a list of thousands of NCBI-GIs of proteins. I want to determine; 1. how many of them are enzymes ? 2. what are their EC numbers ? 3. What is the reference database for this information...
18 March 2014 9,298 2 View
I have got a long list of gene acronyms e.g., proS pheS glyQ and so on....... I want to convert them to full names e.g., proS = prolyl-tRNA synthetase pheS = phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase glyQ =...
12 February 2014 4,907 4 View
I have a single text file containing amino acid sequence of ~6000 proteins in FASTA format. All proteins belong to a single species, but different strains. I want to determine COG...
18 January 2014 8,956 9 View
Using Geneplotter R package, there is a function named plotMA (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/2.13/bioc/manuals/geneplotter/man/geneplotter.pdf). To get the plot, your object (data.frame)...
17 January 2014 3,955 1 View
I have ~17k amino acid sequences in FASTA format in a single file. Using following command of Clustal Omega on Linux system, I created the distance matrix; clustalo -i filename.faa...
07 January 2014 8,561 3 View
I have 42 FASTA files, each containing ~400 amino acid sequences. I want to sort out those sequences which are identical in all 42 files, e.g. sequence of Protein A is identical in all 42 files.....
22 December 2013 8,793 16 View
There are 43 reported serovars of Salmonella enterica reported on NCBI Genome. There are few articles describing selective comparison among few serovars (one attached). I want to know the...
12 December 2013 9,326 1 View
I have a query that whether there is any restriction enzyme (endo or exo) which can cleave both ssDNA or dsDNA?
08 April 2013 8,636 5 View
I have made the stocks of both antibiotics of conc. 100 ug/ml, dispensed aliquots in fresh eppendorfs by syringe and stored them at -20C. Gradually their color starts changing from transparent to...
07 April 2012 9,870 28 View
I need a recipient E. coli strrain (F negative) for conjugation experiment, sensitive to the following 5 antibiotics, and resistant to any other 3rd or 4th generation...
20 November 2011 2,280 5 View