21 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Ibrahim Munir
Can someone please share a tutorial/reference for the steps involved while performing load scaling (i.e. increasing certain loads with a specific percentage) ?
19 May 2020 2,915 1 View
So in the simulation, we see" buses" connecting the transmission lines, and for transmission lines of different transmission levels, we generally have a substation in between for stepping up or...
19 November 2019 3,334 3 View
I am using IEEE-39 bus benchmark system in the EMTP-RV software, performing short circuit fault analysis studies on the transmission buses. Can someone please specify how we can measure the line...
30 September 2019 3,200 0 View
Can someone please specify a good tutorial, paper or presentation specifying the application of wavelet analysis for the identification of LG faults in the transmission lines using Matlab or any...
16 September 2019 7,198 2 View
Please specify if it is possible to perform Transient or Fault analysis in either of the two open source soft wares?
20 February 2019 4,586 0 View
Good day,Can you please kindly specify/state the IEEE standard which specifies the allowable ripple voltage for the single phase grid connected power electronic systems. In the literature I have...
15 May 2017 5,081 5 View
I know what PWM is, but I couldn`t quite make sense of the term modulation when I come across statemets like: "an effective approach is just employing single-edge modulation as pulse-width...
15 April 2017 4,801 1 View
I am searching for possible ways/techniques/control algorithms which can be utilized to reduce the DC link capacitor sizing in a bidirectional full bridge AC/DC converter. Can you kindly suggest...
26 February 2017 2,951 3 View
Can you kindly help me identify how can I get the state space matrix representation for a linearized wind turbine model resulting into A,B,C and D matrices for different operating points (i,e...
03 April 2016 6,516 5 View
Which research area in Power Electronics will make for a good Master thesis in the field of Power Electronics? Would be obliged if someone can inform me about the ongoing scope of such research...
05 February 2016 7,820 19 View
Please suggest clear sky models/techniques/formulas which employ Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) measurements for identifying a clear sky dayFor Example on a clear day, the measured output of...
29 December 2015 9,583 10 View
Good day, can anyone please share the equations and the methodology which is employed for calculating the empirical coefficients for the Bristow-Campbell model?
23 October 2015 8,792 2 View
I was able to find the standards used for Photo voltaic panels by IEC, IEEE, ASTM, IAPMO,The International Code Council (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NEC), SEMI, UL and IEC . I am...
19 September 2015 4,457 3 View
I am using a 39 bus electric grid system (IEEE-39 bus benchmark). I have gathered data for its normal system operation for the bus voltages and the corresponding line currents. I also have...
01 January 1970 1,522 1 View
I am searching for a general easy to implement smart grid model which can be can be simulated in a software environment like Simulink, Homer, PSCAD etc. Thank you
01 January 1970 8,420 2 View
How does the electrical industry detect faults (LG, LLG etc) in the transmission grid? Using voltage sag for fault detection & location? Using overcurrent magnitudes for fault detection...
01 January 1970 5,906 3 View
Distance relays respond to a ratio of voltage and current at the relay location, this ratio is in the form of impedance, as the impedance of a transmission line is proportional to its length. This...
01 January 1970 4,202 6 View
Is it the same as reactive power compensation provided by capacitor banks and FACTs devices?
01 January 1970 6,057 4 View
How is performance and purpose of wavelet analysis for fault type (LG, LLG, LLG etc) & location detection different than performing same analysis using RMS value for fa How is the performance...
01 January 1970 2,295 2 View
Synchronous generators are rated in MVA where as when we refer to a power plant we refer to their MW rating? Why is this so?
01 January 1970 2,486 8 View
What is the purpose of performing steady state analysis, transient analysis and dynamic analysis from a commercial standpoint in the power system/utility industry?
01 January 1970 1,813 3 View