6 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Fahad Ehsan
Can anybody please help me with the oxidation potentials (vs SHE) for CH3OH, CH2O and HCOOH? Thanking in advance and looking forward to the kind help! Regards, Fahad
09 November 2014 9,483 9 View
The major product from my photocatalyst is methane. But the valence band edge of the photocatalyst is less positive than the oxidation potential of water. It means that the holes produced in the...
16 September 2014 8,167 6 View
I got good results over smooth surfaces for photocatalytic reduction of CO2. What is the general perception about such reactions on different surfaces i.e. smooth and/or rough?
30 April 2014 6,782 10 View
Is there any specific method that confirms whether a semiconductor is p-type or n-type?
21 April 2014 2,863 29 View
If the flux is not pure, what impurities can be converted into hazardous compounds during photoreduction of CO2 and thus should be avoided?
07 February 2014 7,937 0 View
Why would some photocatalyst reduce CO2 to CH4 only even though its conduction band is more negative than the reduction potential of CO2/CH4, CO2/CO or CO2/CH3OH? What is the reason for this? Why...
18 September 2013 3,032 3 View