5 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammed adnan Mezaal
The figure shows 2 specific capacity-voltage curves of the first charge-discharge cycle of LiMO2 (M=Ni, Co and Mn). Please explain the difference between these 2 curves, which one shows better...
03 December 2015 9,705 5 View
I bought Li metal pieces. When I opened the bag inside the glove box, the oxygen concentration inside the gloves box increased from 0 to 15 ppm. This is mean the Li metal bag already has some...
15 May 2015 7,745 4 View
I have a particle with core-shell structure, the core contains Ni, Co, Mn oxides while the shell contains Mn oxide. How can I determine the difference between the Mn in the core and the shell? Thanks.
14 March 2015 8,813 9 View
How can I calculate miller indices from FFT image by using imagej?
09 March 2015 3,931 3 View
How can I analyze FFT-TEM image? How can I calculate the diffraction planes? Thanks.
06 March 2015 1,735 5 View