9 Questions 81 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Mahamood
Dear researchers, I am looking for the most effective way of collecting pine wilt nematode from affected plants. It will be highly appreciated if you could share your experience or provide some...
22 March 2023 4,516 1 View
Air quality in some countries is very bad. It becomes worse when the temperature drops during winters. There are a lot of air purifiers available in the market. Do they really work? If yes, which...
24 December 2022 2,808 3 View
When compared the salary with the amount of work post-doctoral fellows usually do in the so-called developed countries it seems seriously mismatched. Many of them end up living hand to mouth....
10 October 2022 2,951 4 View
Dear friends, please suggest some plants that can be grown in desert ecosystems specially for the Arabian deserts. In China, some of my former colleagues conducted a successful dedesertification...
12 November 2018 2,620 5 View
Taxonomy is a branch of science that has not been able to attract many researchers. Many people consider it as a dying science. A commonly asked question is, "What is the use of taxonomy and what...
20 October 2018 401 99 View
Citizens Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) are two burning issues in India. There are a lot of speculations in terms of its benefits and drawbacks. What is your opinion guys?
01 January 1970 619 2 View
I would like to invite nematologists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (if there is any) to collaborate with me in studying these microscopic organisms.
01 January 1970 6,199 0 View
I recently followed a discussion on the relationship between a Ph. D. student and the mentor. What I consider more important than a Ph. D. guide during a doctorate program is the lab. colleague...
01 January 1970 1,520 0 View
We all know that the environment where we live in is experiencing a lot of changes like weather, deforestation, pollution (physical & chemical), ecological imbalance just to mention a few....
01 January 1970 5,080 16 View