4 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Jaber
Dear colleagues, I analyzed my survey data using binary logistic regression, and I am trying to assess the results by looking at the p-value, B, and Exp(B) values. However, the task is also to...
12 June 2023 9,507 3 View
Dear colleagues, I read about the lag length criteria, but I'm still unsure if I understand it well because I have different results. How to decide which lag length is optimal? I applied it to my...
27 October 2022 3,650 12 View
I am trying to find the best way to calculate energy poverty/ consumption on spatial basis using arcmap, so, what type of data do I need? and what is the best methods to do so? Please, any...
15 April 2020 1,934 7 View
Dear specialists, researchers, and practitioners. As I am reading the literature on energy poverty issues, I cannot find any articles or books discussing the link between energy/fuel poverty and...
01 January 1970 7,867 6 View